Call to Stewardship By: Roger Rollins
Community Congregation Missions Outreach Worship

Call to Stewardship By: Roger Rollins

The Family Support Council and Camp AIM are based on the belief that all children … all children … have...
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2019 Stewardship
Community Congregation Fellowship Missions Worship

2019 Stewardship

      Dear Friends in Christ, “The church exists by mission as fire exists by burning.” So said the...
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Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans
Congregation Fellowship Music Worship

Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans

Join us on Sunday, October 28, as we celebrate the anniversary of the Reformation! Complete with bagpiper, procession of Tartans,...
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Young Ladies Book Study
Christian Education Congregation Fellowship

Young Ladies Book Study

A small group from our study (pictured: Laura Patterson, Kristen Sanders, Leanna Granillo, Katie Scott, Laurie Scott, Jeane Jones, and...
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Dalton Middle School Success Academy
Community Missions Outreach

Dalton Middle School Success Academy

The Mission Team is excited about a new opportunity supporting some of most as-risk middle school students on Thursday, August...
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2018 Blue Ridge Book of the Month Club
Community Missions Outreach

2018 Blue Ridge Book of the Month Club

We need you! The Mission Team is proud to begin our third year of our Book of the Month Club...
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Reformation Sunday – Tartan Information
Congregation Fellowship Worship

Reformation Sunday – Tartan Information

This year Reformation Sunday is on October 28. If you do not have a tartan to use at the Kirkin'...
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We’re going to need a bigger boat. By: Rev. Will Scott

We’re going to need a bigger boat. By: Rev. Will Scott

Early in his book Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory, Tod Bolsinger imagines a scene from the Lewis...
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Second Sunday Fellowship Lunch – August
Congregation Fellowship

Second Sunday Fellowship Lunch – August

Join us for a special "Back to School" fellowship lunch. Please RSVP if you would like to attend lunch on...
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Postcard from Montana By: Rev. Will Scott

Postcard from Montana By: Rev. Will Scott

Hello Friends, We’re continuing to enjoy time away. In the past week we have been able to visit Yellowstone and...
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Greetings from Montana!  By: Rev. Will Scott

Greetings from Montana! By: Rev. Will Scott

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Want to go to Scotland?
Congregation Fellowship Worship

Want to go to Scotland?

First Presbyterian Church is exploring the possibility of traveling through the history of the Presbyterian Church in Scotland. Meet with...
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Potluck Dinner July 2018
Congregation Fellowship

Potluck Dinner July 2018

There will be a potluck dinner on Wednesday, July 11 at 6:00 p.m. in Hollis Hall. Fried Chicken and beverages...
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Second Sunday Fellowship Lunch – June
Congregation Fellowship

Second Sunday Fellowship Lunch – June

Please RSVP if you would like to attend lunch on Sunday, June 10, in Hollis Hall, immediately following worship. Reservations...
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Ice Cream Social
Congregation Fellowship Uncategorized

Ice Cream Social

Sunday, June 24 3:30-5:30 p.m. The Smalley's Home 4007 W Millstone Circle Rocky Face, GA 30740 (706) 673-3595 All are...
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Camp AIM 2018
Community Fellowship Missions Outreach

Camp AIM 2018

Camp AIM 2018 will be the first 2 full weeks in June, so the dates this year are: Week 1:          ...
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Second Sunday Fellowship Lunch – May
Congregation Fellowship

Second Sunday Fellowship Lunch – May

Please RSVP if you would like to attend lunch on Sunday, May 13, in Hollis Hall, immediately following worship. Reservations...
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“New Life” Art Exhibit Opening
Christian Education Community Congregation Worship

“New Life” Art Exhibit Opening

In the season of Eastertide we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the new life found in the knowledge...
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The Art of Holy Week – By Rev. Will Scott
Community Congregation Fellowship Uncategorized Worship

The Art of Holy Week – By Rev. Will Scott

Maundy Thursday Taizé Worship: 6:00 p.m. in Hollis Hall Good Friday Community Worship: 6:30 p.m. at the Wink Theater Easter...
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Flowering of the Cross
Congregation Fellowship Worship

Flowering of the Cross

Easter Sunday, April 1 Each year, worshipers (especially children) are encouraged to bring cut flowers on Easter Sunday to decorate the cross. The...
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