Daily Lectionary – April 8, 2020

Daily Lectionary – April 8, 2020

Morning Psalms 5; 147:1-11 First Reading Lamentations 2:1-9 Second Reading 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11 Gospel Reading Mark 12:1-11 Evening Psalms 27; 51   1How the Lord...
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Daily Lectionary – April 7, 2020

Daily Lectionary – April 7, 2020

Morning Psalms 34; 146 First Reading Lamentations 1:17-22 Second Reading 2 Corinthians 1:8-22 Gospel Reading Mark 11:27-33 Evening Psalms 25; 91   27Again they came...
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Daily Lectionary – April 6, 2020

Daily Lectionary – April 6, 2020

  Morning Psalms 119:73-80; 145 First Reading Lamentation 1:1-2, 6-12 Second Reading 2 Corinthians 1:1-7 Gospel Reading Mark 11:12-25 Evening Psalms 121; 6   12On...
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Daily Lectionary – April 5, 2020

Daily Lectionary – April 5, 2020

  Morning Psalms 84; 150 First Reading Zechariah 9:9-12 Second Reading 1 Timothy 6:12-16 Gospel Reading Zechariah 12:9-11, 13:1, 7-9 Evening Psalms 42; 32  ...
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Daily Lectionary – April 4, 2020

Daily Lectionary – April 4, 2020

Morning Psalms 43; 149 First Reading Exodus 10:21-11:8 Second Reading 2 Corinthians 4:13-18 Gospel Reading Mark 10:46-52 Evening Psalms 31; 143   1   Hear my prayer,...
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Daily Lectionary – April 3, 2020

Daily Lectionary – April 3, 2020

  Morning Psalms 22; 148 First Reading Exodus 9:13-35 Second Reading 2 Corinthians 4:1-12 Gospel Reading Mark 10:32-45 Evening Psalms 105; 130   1Therefore, since...
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Daily Lectionary – April 2, 2020

Daily Lectionary – April 2, 2020

Morning Psalms 27; 147:12-20 First Reading Exodus 7:25-8:19 Second Reading 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 Gospel Reading Mark 10:17-31 Evening Psalms 126; 102   17As he was...
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Daily Lectionary – April 1, 2020

Daily Lectionary – April 1, 2020

Morning Psalms 5; 147:1-11 First Reading Exodus 7:8-24 Second Reading 2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6 Gospel Reading Mark 10:1-16 Evening Psalms 27; 51   14But thanks be...
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Daily Lectionary – March 31, 2020

Daily Lectionary – March 31, 2020

We invite you to worship with First Presbyterian Church every day by reading the lectionary and a brief reflection. Let...
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Daily Lectionary – March 30, 2020

Daily Lectionary – March 30, 2020

Morning Psalms 119:73-80; 145 First Reading Exodus 4:10-20 (21-26) 27-31 Second Reading 1 Corinthians 14:1-19 Gospel Reading Mark 9:30-41 Evening Psalms 121; 6   30They...
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Daily Lectionary – March 29, 2020

Daily Lectionary – March 29, 2020

Morning Psalms 84; 150 First Reading Exodus 3:16-4:12 Second Reading Romans 12:1-21 Gospel Reading John 8:46-59 Evening Psalms 42; 32   1   How lovely is your...
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Daily Lectionary – March 28, 2020

Daily Lectionary – March 28, 2020

Morning Psalms 43; 149 First Reading Exodus 2:23-3:15 Second Reading 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Gospel Reading Mark 9:14-29 Evening Psalms 31; 143   23After a long...
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Daily Lectionary – March 27, 2020

Daily Lectionary – March 27, 2020

Morning Psalms 22; 148 First Reading Exodus 2:1-22 Second Reading 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:3 Gospel Reading Mark 9:2-13 Evening Psalms 105; 130   2Six days later,...
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Daily Lectionary – March 26, 2020

Daily Lectionary – March 26, 2020

Morning Psalms 27; 147:12-20 First Reading Exodus 1:6-22 Second Reading 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 Gospel Reading Mark 8:27-9:1 Evening Psalms 126; 102                           12For just...
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Daily Lectionary – March 25, 2020

Daily Lectionary – March 25, 2020

  Morning Psalms 5; 147:1-11 First Reading Genesis 50:15-26 Second Reading 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Gospel Reading Mark 8:11-26 Evening Psalms 27; 51                           11The...
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Daily Lectionary – March 24, 2020

Daily Lectionary – March 24, 2020

Morning Psalms 34; 146 First Reading Genesis 49:29-50:14 Second Reading 1 Corinthians 11:2-34 Gospel Reading Mark 8:1-10 Evening Psalms 25; 91   1   You who live...
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Daily Lectionary – March 23, 2020

Daily Lectionary – March 23, 2020

Morning Psalms 119:73-80; 145 First Reading Genesis 49:1-28 Second Reading 1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1 Gospel Reading Mark 7:24-37 Evening Psalms 121; 6                           24From...
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Daily Lectionary – March 22, 2020

Daily Lectionary – March 22, 2020

  Morning Psalms 84; 150 First Reading Genesis 48:8-22 Second Reading Romans 8:11-25 Gospel Reading John 6:27-40 Evening Psalms 42; 32                           11If the...
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Daily Lectionary – March 21, 2020

Daily Lectionary – March 21, 2020

  Morning Psalms 43; 149 First Reading Genesis 47:27-48:7 Second Reading 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Gospel Reading Mark 7:1-23 Evening Psalms 31; 143                           27Thus...
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Daily Lectionary – March 20, 2020

Daily Lectionary – March 20, 2020

Morning Psalms 22; 148 First Reading Genesis 47:1-26 Second Reading 1 Corinthians 9:16-27 Gospel Reading Mark 6:47-56 Evening Psalms 105; 130   1   My God, my...
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