Here’s your special invitation to join our church family on retreat.
“On the road again” in May 2020
MONTREAT, North Carolina –
M is for mountains. Lots of them all around. Great for hiking or viewing and finding inspiration in the wonders of creation. The stream flowing by, the children’s park, that cozy chair overlooking the lake – all of these in the unique freshness of spring in the forest will do your soul good.
O is for out-of-town with friends and away from the stresses and strains. Oh, how nice to have God-time and personal time! And, yes, there is childcare!!!
N is for now, the time to sign up. A $50 deposit by February 11 guarantees you a place for all the fun during the May 15 – 17 church retreat.
T is for theme: “God’s beautiful world” will speak to the nature we’ll explore and to the environment we must protect. Laurel and early rhododendron will dot the woodland as we roam and reflect on earth’s pleasures and perils.
R is for “room in the Inn.” (Sounds absolutely biblical.) You’ll have comfy accommodations to fit your preferences, and we’ll share social and gathering spaces. $150 for a family covers lodging and three meals, with single rooms even less. Count in travel cost and meals out and you’ll see that the Fellowship Team is making our retreat so very affordable.
E is for each other. We see each other on Sundays, but to really know one another takes time and opportunity. Across the dinner table, on a walk, bargain hunting at the Tobacco Barn, touring Biltmore House, sharing a coffee while the kids sleep – such moments move us from acquaintance to appreciation and affirmation.
A is for Arts and Asheville. Just 16 miles west of our retreat is the lively and charm-filled arts capital of the South. No city of its size gets better press today, and for good reason. What’s not to like! You’ll have afternoons to explore and enjoy.
T is for teamwork. Our congregation’s potential to serve more effectively is bolstered by a balanced diet of worship, work and play. Come be part of all three! Time together makes our ties stronger.
Dates: May 15-17
Cost: $150 for a family unit, which includes room for two nights, pizza supper Friday night and breakfast both days.
Accommodations: The rustic Inn will be the center of our activities, with rooms to suit your personal needs as well as meeting and social spaces for our group.
Deposits due: Please have your $50 into the office by February 11 to reserve a place and help us with planning.
Who has signed up: Check the growing list in the Commons and pay attention to the weekly announcements for more revelations.
Transportation: Whether carpooling or driving separately, the four hour ride to the woods of Montreat will help renew our appreciation for the garden of nature which surrounds us.
Program: Yes, there will be times of worship and learning, but we’ll have plenty opportunity to just “hang out” or explore sites of interest in nearby Black Mountain or the best of Asheville’s art and food scene.
Contacts: Leanna Granillo, Laura Goins and Jeane Jones can answer your questions and testify to the fun we’ll have together.