The Family Support Council has begun their Heroes Against Child Abuse campaign. Our church has agreed to participate this year. Family Support Council provides many free opportunities for children and families throughout the area. Some opportunities include:
- Kids on the Block – show on personal safety and bullying in all the local elementary schools
- Camp AIM – a therapeutic summer camp for sexually abused children from K-12
- Parents as Teachers Program – to young high rick preschoolers in the Dalton, Murray, and Whitfield school districts
- Parenting classes, summer camps, training, and workshops which foster protective assets within families and help to prevent child abuse are additional services provided by FSC
- Darkness to Light’s, Stewards of Children, training – prevention of child sexual abuse
We are asking $1.00 per pinwheel and donations will be collected through April 5. Individuals who raise $20.00 or more will receive a Hero t-shirt.
Anything you can contribute will be greatly appreciated!