Dear Friends in Christ,
“The church exists by mission as fire exists by burning.” So said the midcentury theologian Emil Brunner. Mission is what the church does. It’s what makes us special. It’s what makes us who we are. If we stopped for a minute, we would cease to be the church.
What is the church’s mission?
This is what we do on Sunday morning and beyond. This is the way we feed the hungry person who comes in off the street; or care for the children in our community who lack access to basic educational opportunities that we take for granted. This is the group of people gathering together on Tuesday mornings to collect supplies to give to people recovering from natural disasters; or ushers opening the church on a Saturday to support an organization that provides basic healthcare for those who otherwise couldn’t afford it. This is care for children finding healing after abuse through a welcome and some food; and church members thinking about how we can be better environmental stewards in our own lives.
Mission is everywhere in our church—and we want it to grow.
This Fall our stewardship season will focus on mission. What is the church doing to show the love of Jesus Christ in our community and world? How can we join in?
Come to worship on November 4 and 11 to hear inspiring stories about how mission at First Presbyterian Church changes lives. Consider how you can get involved. And come on Sunday, November 18 as we pledge our gifts to the mission of Jesus Christ in this congregation. Let’s add fuel to the fire together.
To see all the ways we are involved in mission and service activities throughout the year, click here.