Camp AIM 2018 will be the first 2 full weeks in June, so the dates this year are:
Week 1: June 4-8
Week 2: June 11-15
For more information contact Roger Rollins at:
My email: [email protected]
My cell: 706-260-5999
Sincere thanks to all of you who have been blessed through your participation with these children in years past. And thanks to all of you who will volunteer for the first time this year.
These children range in age from about 6 to 18. All of them are victims of sexual abuse. How this can happen is both a mystery and a tragedy that I do not even pretend to understand. After admiring Peggy’s leadership and participation with Camp AIM for many years, I decided 3 years ago that although I had no skill or understanding of how to fix these damaged kids, at least I could fix food for them. I discovered that the quality of the food they were being given was poor and that the kids were not as fully prepared to take advantage of the Family Support Council’s excellent program as they could be if they were properly nourished with a healthy and sufficient quantity of food, particularly in the mornings when they start their classes. Since then, with the financial help of the church and the physical help of all of you, each child gets a hearty breakfast and lunch.
The difference is amazing. Once the kids realized that they were going to be fed and loved on by caring adults they didn’t even know, their early morning class sessions began to be more energized. From the first day of camp, there is a group sense of knowing that they are in a safe and nurturing place.
Camp AIM has been a powerful experience for me, and I recommend it for your participation. We are responsible for 10 days worth of breakfasts and lunches. I need volunteers to help prepare and serve food, pick up donated food and clean up afterwards. I have a fairly organized schedule of each day’s meals from previous years. There’s a lot to it, but everything actually goes quite smoothly once it kicks off. Each meal requires about 3 volunteers in some capacity. Many of you already have or will volunteer for more than one meal, so we may not need an entire army, but we certainly need a good-sized platoon.
At this point, what I need most is several more volunteer names, email addresses and phone numbers, and what your schedule will allow you to do. Several of you have told me to fit you in wherever you were needed. Once I have a more complete list, I will send out the daily schedule with proposed meals and all of the required volunteer slots via email. Each of you can then reply to me with exactly what you’d like to do and when. This opportunity will probably be announced again during church in coming weeks, but all of us need to confirm schedules, so a timely response is really appreciated.
Respect for confidentiality requires that this is an all-adult project.
Thank you in advance for helping. Without question, you’ll fall in love with these kids and be grateful for the opportunity of making a difference in this small way.
With gratitude, Roger.