Ken’s e-Pistle
May 8, 2024
There are days when technology is just not my friend. I have had my trusty laptop for about seven years and have finally become comfortable with it. Say, during the last three months or so. During the course of the last week it has developed a peculiarity. The computer turns on but the screen struggles mightily to come up. I finally asked a friend of mine who works on computers to share his wisdom.
Without even looking at it, he pronounced his verdict with the solemnity of a judge intoning the death penalty. “It’s circling the drain.”
“It can’t be!” I replied. “I hear something whirling around quietly inside, kind of like a carpenter bee eating my porch.”
“Oh, the computer part is still running. The little wires that attach it to the screen have worn out with all the opening and closing over the years. It’s a terminal affliction.”
“Can’t we just replace the wires?” I asked, tears forming at the edges of my eyes. “Sure. But it will cost you $300-$500.”
It was nothing short of amazing how quickly my tears dried.
So, I have brought my trusty IPad out of retirement. It, also, has a few years on it but not many miles. The keypad attached to it is a convenient size for a small rodent and the word processor will take a some time for my adjustment.
In all probability, something like seven years.
It simply gladdens the faithful heart that our God doesn’t discard us when our wiring wears out!
I bid you peace!