Ken’s e-Pistle
May 22, 2024
Somehow I noticed her. She was in her accustomed spot in the back of the Sanctuary, waving her right hand in the midst of the excited beginning of the service last Sunday. What with Pentecost, Graduate Recognition, and residual exhaustion from an extended family reunion, I didn’t see her in time. Whatever it was, it would have to wait until a more opportune time.
Of course, Sue Spivey is a force of nature in and of herself. Following the service I tried to make a bee-line toward her to see what was on her mind.
“I wanted us to acknowledge the parents of the graduates. They had a good bit to do with their success, after all.”
Ah, another opportunity missed but the point is taken. If I have learned nothing else in my career of ministry, I have decidedly learned to heap praise where it is due. So, here’s to us parents who strove and struggled to get our children to those mystical milestones which prepare them for participation in our global enterprise of life. I say global intentionally and hope that it sparks a moment of consideration.
Our world is considerably smaller than it was even a decade ago. The old slogan, “Buy American” seems to have gone by the wayside. I confess to a small amount of discomfort when I bought my first “foreign” car. To my surprise, I discovered that it was assembled in the USA with many American-made parts. A quick glance at my wardrobe revealed a virtual United Nations of clothing. I have shirts and slacks from all around the world. Indonesia, Turkey, Vietnam, Cambodia, Mexico, China, Poland and many others were represented. My clothing is far better traveled than I!
That is to say that the graduates of today will encounter an exploding pluralism which we never considered possible even a few years ago. Meeting its demands will require adaptive skills and critical thinking abilities as never before.
I don’t know about you but I am proud of both my boys. It took a while to get them over Fool’s Hill but I don’t begrudge it. Neither do I begrudge the fact that neither of them are working in the fields for which they studied. It speaks to that adaptability of which I spoke.
So, here’s to the parents! Well done! Hurrah! Attaboy/girl!
And here’s to Sue Spivey who continues to amaze and inspire so many of us!
I bid you peace!
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