Ken’s e-Pistle
October 25, 2023
This Sunday we will celebrate Reformation Sunday and the Kirkin’ O’ the Tartans. It is a time to remember our heritage as Reformed Christians under the banner of our Mother Church, the Church of Scotland. It is also a time to celebrate 176 years of faithful service in this community as the First Presbyterian Church.
Soon after the reunion of the Divided Church in 1983, a temporary logo was presented. It featured a Celtic Cross over the Latin words, “Ecclesia Reformata, Semper Reformanda.” The translation reads, “The Church reformed, always reforming.” Personally, I liked that one and, truth be told, encouraged it’s adoption as our permanent logo.
I like the idea of the Church always reforming. All too often I fear that we celebrate Reformation as a once-and-done event. Nothing could be further from the truth! In every age we are called by God to face new realities and serve in new ways. We are called to remember and cherish the past but always ready to move faithfully into the future with energy, intelligence, imagination and love.
This Sunday will embody that call. We will remember our heritage as Scottish Presbyterians with prayers, music and fanfare appropriate to the occasion. Tartans will be waving and kilts flowing to the accompaniment of the bagpipe. And, at the benediction, we will be reminded that all worship throughout history, has led us from the comfort of the pews to the challenge of the present.
The Church reformed, always reforming. So may it be!
I bid you peace! (And perhaps just a wee bit o’ haggis to mark the occasion!)