Ken’s e-Pistle
March 15, 2023
It was a busy day around the Church House this past Sunday. Sunday School classes, Choir Practice, the wonderful worship service, Second Sunday Lunch, Team meetings and a magnificent concert to close it all out. All of this in spite of it being the first day of Daylight Savings Time!!
It was good to see everybody and a few new folk who are “taking us for a test drive” in their search for a new church home. Very exciting stuff, this.
Among the conversations being held were ways in which we can re-connect with ourselves following COVID. There are still some who are hesitant to come back into crowds and we want to reach out to them as we can. To that end we will be reinstating the attendance pads on Sunday morning which will enable us to keep track of needs and participation. This will start up on this coming Sunday as we celebrate Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood in worship.
In case you didn’t know it, Fred Rogers was a Presbyterian minister who brought love, joy and acceptance to countless young folk in his television program. If Presbyterians canonized saints, St. Fred would surely be among the first in line. Knowing Mr. Rogers, I am sure that he would decline the fame and simply hang it up alongside his cardigan sweater and comfortable shoes at the end of the day.
Come and enjoy the fun, fellowship and worship.
Oh, and be sure to bring a neighbor! All are welcome in our neighborhood!
I bid you peace!