Ken’s e-Pistle

June 12, 2024

The Council of the Wise is back in session.  For those of you unfamiliar with this august assembly, it is comprised of a group of gentlemen indeterminate in age, education and pedigree who gather at the Conoco store on the intersection of 515 and Windy Ridge Road in Blue Ridge.  As far as I can tell they are not burdened by employment, having retired or now enjoying the benefits of disability.  Their minds are sharp, however, and lively discussions are always the order of the day.

One of the peculiarities of this fellowship is that every participant has a name.  There are Pig, Hoss, Possum, Mule, Whistlepig, Buck, and Jaybird.  Then there are a few folk like me who occasionally stand in the periphery and have not yet had the honor of a name bestowed upon us.

Years ago, there was a television show about a bar. The opening tune contained the phrase, “where everybody knows your name.”  The central theme of the show was a depiction of the need in all of us to have a safe place where we are understood, appreciated, and experience a sense of belonging.  Each episode featured a story where this theme was reflected in a new way via the adventures (and occasional misadventures!) of different members of the cast.

God created us to be social creatures.  In Genesis God declares that it is not good for man to be alone; and so He created Woman.  From that moment on, we have each sought out companionship and live out our days in at least one circle of fellowship.  I count myself fortunate that I have several such groups, including, of course, the fellowship of FPC.  It is in these circles that we find blessing, love, joy, and meaning.

I was, therefore, highly honored this past week when the Council of the Wise greeted me in my morning trip to purchase Miss Vicki’s morning Diet Coke.  Pig, the undisputed chairman of the Council, announced that the group had decided to give me a name.  I now proudly bear the moniker of Otter.  It seems that I earned it by virtue of my regular slipping in and out, sometimes stopping to gather the drippings from the Altar of  Council Wisdom, occasionally contributing an insight or two, and then going on my way.

Otter.  I like it.  Besides, it could be worse. There is another fellow who is being considered for naming.  The present consensus is that he will be christened with the title of Skunk Foot.  I will not horrify you with the details.

Still, it’s nice to belong!

I bid you peace!