Nicole’s e-Pistle

March 5, 2025

Greetings, friends, and happy first day of Lent!

Today is Ash Wednesday, the day in which we confess our sin and prepare to embark on a 40-day journey toward the cross. It is a day to remember that we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. It is a time to repent and return to our loving creator once more.

Oddly enough, Ash Wednesday was not a legacy of the Early Church. Rather, it was a practice that began in the medieval period, when penitent sinners were presented for church discipline during the season of Lent, to be reconciled with the community of faith on Maundy Thursday. It was also a time for prospective converts to  enroll in the catechumenate (a fancy word to mean a time of preparation and study before being baptized into the catholic faith). Finally, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season of fasting.

In fact, as you probably already know, that’s what prompted the tradition of Mardi Gras, which in French means “Fat Tuesday.” In France, people would eat their remaining stock of meats, cheeses and rich foods to clean out their pantries before the 40-day fast. Bjorn and the kids and I were looking forward to attending the St. Mark’s Mardi Gras service and Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, but the impending severe weather led us to call it an early evening last night. We look forward to trying again next year!

This evening, we will impose ashes on our foreheads, signifying that we come from dust and to dust we will return. Some of us will decide to fast in some way, giving up something we enjoy to leave space to become closer to God. Some of us will commit to pray without ceasing in communion with the adult Sunday School class and others in the congregation. Some of us will begin saving our pocket change to give to our One Great Hour of Sharing… which starts today after all! The kids can break out those fish and continue to collect change throughout Lent until we bring forward our offerings on Easter Sunday.

Some of us will also choose to follow the “Poetry of Lent” devotional series based on scripture and the poetry of Mary Oliver. Each week offers an opportunity to meditate and participate in other spiritual practices. The poems listed can often be found online or in the published collection entitled Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver. We will also post the poem that coincides with each week in the sanctuary. I encourage everyone to move into the sanctuary about 15 minutes early from the Commons, to have time to read the poem before worship begins. (Take note, bell-ringers!)

Whatever you choose to do to celebrate this Lenten season, I hope you will take time to care for yourself in body and spirit. Take time to meditate and/or pray. Go for walks or enjoy some time outside as the weather permits. Try to limit your exposure to the things that cloud your minds and hearts and give more attention to what brings you life and hope. For my part, I will be taking a break from social media (so please do not be offended if I do not respond until after Easter) and will limit the time I spend keeping up with news. Instead, I plan to read novels, listen to a lot of swing and jazz music from the 40s, 50s and 60s, and spend as much time in nature with God as possible! I look forward to walking this journey with all of you!

Blessings and peace,