Nicole’s e-Pistle

February 26, 2025

Greetings from Decatur!

By the time you are reading this, I will have met with the Congregational Life Team, driven to Columbia Theological Seminary, enjoyed my favorite Wednesday lunch of fried chicken, corn bread, and turnip greens in the Refectory, and am likely in one of the several events of the Alumni Reunion. This is more than just time for fellowship, although that is a big part of what I am doing. I will have the opportunity to attend lectures, panel discussions, and workshops with some of my former professors and notable theologians, biblical scholars, and homiletics experts.

As I near the end of my eighth month with you, I am reminded of the importance of continuing education. I have a life-long love for learning, so I am excited for the opportunity to explore the topics that will be offered during the reunion.

On Wednesday after lunch, I will get a chance to meet the author of my favorite textbook from my History of Christianities class, a two-volume set entitled, The Story of Christianity, by Dr. Justo Gonzalez. He and his wife Dr. Catherine Gonzalez will join my former professor and colleague in ministry, Dr. William Yoo, as they speak on “Looking Back and Looking Ahead.” Then, I plan to skip the evening program (shhh – don’t tell anyone) to pop over to Decatur Presbyterian and join them for Wednesday night supper. It’ll also give me a chance to go over what role I will take in assisting with my friend Etta’s funeral, which will be Saturday, March 8th.

Then, Thursday will be a jam-packed day, beginning with morning prayers in the Harrington Center Chapel. Then, for the first break-out session, I am torn between Dr. Mark Douglas’ talk, “When Red and Blue Don’t Make Purple: Thinking About Dysfunctional Politics and the Church” and Dr. Anna Carter Florence’s “Preaching the Verbs.” If only I could be Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter novels and go back in time to attend both! Then I’ll attend the keynote with Dr. Maake Masango (Part 2 of the lecture I will have skipped on Wednesday night… I hope there isn’t a test!) before lunch and some time for self-care (probably a nap, lol!). Then in the afternoon, one of my former classmates is a panelist for the International Alumni’s virtual presentation, “Every Tongue, Every Nation: Christianity in a Global Context.” Then it’s another break-out session, in which I will probably choose Brandon Brewer’s “Caring Matters: Caring for the Caregivers Among Us.” Then I’ll round out the day with a reception at President Aloyo’s home with faculty, staff, and students, then dinner before heading to bed!

On Friday, I will begin my 43rd birthday (hint, hint) with morning prayers in the chapel before our last breakout session. I plan to attend Nicole Symmonds’ talk, “Wherever You Go, I Go: Migratory Ethics and Solidarity at Such a Time as This,” where I will try to keep my tears in check. (There is something about the immigration debate that pulls at my soul – I think because of the students I used to teach that would have been so personally affected by the state of things if this had happened years ago.) Finally, we will close with President Aloyo leading us in worship and communion in the chapel, followed by lunch in the Refectory with students. That will give me enough time to drive back to Dalton, scoop up the family, and give the opening prayer at CLILA’s prayer vigil before having a celebratory birthday dinner at a local restaurant of my choosing!! Then it’ll be off to bed to rest before the Confirmation Class Kickoff on Saturday.

All of this is to say, I would welcome plenty of grace on Sunday if I am only half conscious during worship and if my sermon is only partially coherent!… Of course, I jest. I consider it such a privilege to be part of this community, and I look forward to many, many years to come!

Blessings and peace,