Nicole’s e-Pistle
November 6, 2024
Greetings, friends!
I debated with myself whether to write this e-Pistle before or after the election results are released, or whether I wanted to cover the election at all. However, I know that this election, like so many in recent years, has people feeling divided and anxious. Therefore, I decided to write a prayer at 10am on election day, Tuesday, November 5, 2024, knowing that you will likely be reading it once the President Elect has been announced (depending, of course, on how quickly they tally all the votes and whether there will be a recount)…
Therefore, friends, please pray with me on Wednesday afternoon as I write this on Tuesday morning…
God of Heaven and Earth, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, our emotions are strong, and our nerves are raw. We are tired of facing elections that seek to pull our nation apart at the seams, yet we feel obligated to participate in the process, doing our civic duties by casting our ballots according to our consciences. Remind us that the stability of our world does not depend on who is inaugurated in January but on the One who is seated on the throne. We praise You, we trust You, we worship You alone.
As we move forward toward Advent and the coming of our Savior, be with us and guide us as we continue to do the work we set out to do – to Love First, and to Love All. So, in that spirit, Lord, we pray Your blessings over our President Elect. May he or she open the eyes and ears of their heart to hear what You would have them do with the power that has been bestowed upon them. May they work toward the ideals You have called each of us to do – to seek justice for all people, especially for the most vulnerable among us; to love mercy, even as they are called to lead all Americans into the next chapter of our history, regardless of who did or did not vote for them; and to walk humbly with You, O God, knowing that it is You alone who can wipe away every tear and who will make all things new.
Lord, give us courage to trust in Your plan, whether or not we can see it clearly from our own vantage points. You alone are truly good, and we are blessed to be called Your children. Guide all our nation’s leaders, so that the United States of America will strive once more to live up to Your example of hope, peace, joy and love to our neighbors throughout the world.
In the name of our long awaited Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.