Nicole’s e-Pistle
October 30, 2024
Hello, Friends!
As we get closer to Advent, I want to ask a favor of you. I feel strongly that we are in a season that calls for some celebration. As a congregation, you have searched for and found a new pastor. As a nation, we are awaiting the results of this election. Much is changing, for the better we hope, but as we look ahead to a new future, it can be a comfort to surround ourselves with the familiar, especially at Christmas.
Therefore, I would like to break with what I understand has been a tradition at FPC and sing Christmas Carols every Sunday during Advent, culminating with the most joyous at our Christmas Eve Service. We will, of course, also have our Lessons and Carols on December 8th at 5pm. I would like to fill our sanctuary with as many hymns as possible that celebrate the birth of our Savior! Here’s where you come in…
Please take some time over the next couple of weeks to look through our Glory to God hymnbook and send me a list of your favorite Christmas-y hymns (Advent hymns begin with number 82). You can also send me the names of hymns or carols that may not be in our hymnbook. For example, The Wexford Carol is one of my all-time favorites! You can email me your list directly to my church email address – [email protected]. I will collaborate with Hye Jeong to see how we can best fit in as many of your suggestions as possible.
In the meantime, continue to enjoy this beautiful fall season with all its festivals and pumpkin spice everything! You might even add to your list of things to be thankful for as you look with anticipation toward a very festive December this year!
Much love to you all!