Nicole’s e-Pistle
October 23, 2024
Greetings, Friends!
If you’ll permit me, I’d like to take you alongside me on a tangent, so please make yourself comfortable up here with me on my soapbox…
I was scrolling through Facebook this morning and came across one of my former students who is struggling with her sexual identity and her love for God. Almost immediately after she posted her comments, numerous “friends” began to encourage her that we all “fall short” and that her sin is not the only sin that we need to “turn away” from. My student very kindly referenced being born the way she is and the pain of trying to deny that part of who she is, to which of course, the response was akin to “deny yourself and carry your cross” kind of language.
I typically try to stay away from politically heated discussions on Facebook, but I could not get the image of my sweet girl sitting there in my middle school classroom, trying to make sense of who she is verses who society deems her. So… I replied, and I hope you’ll forgive me if I overstepped…
“[Former student], I’m now the pastor of a church with several same-sex couples. Our motto is ‘Love First, Love All,’ and we mean it. There are plenty of inclusive churches (not just based on orientation, but on a plethora of things that society deems ‘other’). You are as equally made in the image of God as anyone else. It’s not who you love that separates people from God’s love, it’s who you exclude based on legalism. (Which one sounds like a Pharisee?) You are loved and treasured. No conditions! ”
I know there are many facets of this debate, and plenty of scriptures to back up both sides. I just wanted to say how proud I am to be able to walk alongside all of you and what you stand for. If I am wrong for writing what I wrote, as many would say, then I say I would rather face my Creator and be admonished for loving too many people too well than to be told “I never knew you,” because I had the audacity to tell any child of God they were unworthy of love!
May God bless my former student, and may God continue to bless this congregation for generations to come!