Nicole’s e-Pistle

October 2, 2024

Good day to you, friends!

Like you, my heart is breaking for those whose lives have been upended by Helene. I’m sure you have seen many of the same images and videos that I have – homes literally floating away in the Great Bend of Florida, streets covered in beach sand or muddy clay, interstates and major highways missing giant chunks of asphalt, bridges washing away downriver, and before and after pictures of quaint mountain shops (and whole towns) that no longer exist…

You’ve heard the stories of people trapped in their neighborhoods, of entrances and exits to cities and towns rendered impassible, of towns overrun with flood waters yet who are without an ounce of drinkable water…

I hope you have also heard the stories of neighbors traveling dozens of miles to check on their coworkers and friends, of people sharing the limited resources they have with one another, of hotels and businesses opening their doors for free meals and wifi access, of posters stapled to posts and taped to windows informing people of where they can go for assistance…

This is a time when those of us who were minimally affected can be inundated with emotions and conflicting feelings. We can feel immense gratitude for having been spared, as well as overwhelming survivors’ guilt. We can have a strong urge to do something that will offer immediate and vital support to relief efforts, as well as the crushing feeling of helplessness to change the current reality for so many. We can find relief in hearing from friends and loved ones who came through the storm in one moment, then have that sense of hope dashed as we hear that another friend has been devastated by damages they incurred…

Friends, continue to support one another and reach out to each other and to me when things feel overwhelming. Continue to pray to our great God, for He is still in control, even when He feels distant to us, as we are finite and crave instant answers and relief…

Many experts are encouraging folks to localize their support as much as possible, offering support to those who are closest to you. If you are desperate to be of service, as I am, we will be collecting a Love Offering beginning this Sunday and running at least through the month of October. The funds raised will mainly go to help areas of Western North Carolina, especially Asheville and Montreat. We will also begin a section of the Midweek News and Sunday bulletin for links to localized service organizations who have boots on the ground in the places most affected. If you know of organizations that could benefit from financial support, please contact me or the church office, and we will add those links to the list.

My dear friends, this is a tough time for thousands of people. Take heart and remember that tragedies and disasters have the hidden potential to bring out the best in people. May God bless you and comfort you, and may God bring relief to all who need it so desperately.

With Love,