Nicole’s e-Pistle

September 18, 2024

Hello, friends!

It’s official! I have now been installed as your pastor!

I have joked with a few of you that you cannot get rid of me now, but that is only a half-joke. As I have said before, my family and I are so happy to be here, so there is an atmosphere of longevity that permeates our thoughts. I imagine my children growing up here and graduating from high school. Many of you have voiced similar thoughts of not planning on going through the call process again any time soon!

We may feel our shoulders relaxing and some of the tension and anxiety beginning to drift away. We may feel the sense of accomplishment that months… no, years of preparation have gone into getting us where we are now. In a way, we have been in a season of Sabbath rest. (Granted, for some of us, it may not feel exactly like physical rest…Uh-hem… thank you to all who have helped with painting!) We sense that we have finished what we set out to do (hire a pastor / get hired as a pastor)

However, I was struck by my friend Tully’s words during the sermon yesterday when he said that the real work is just getting started! I discovered after the reception that Tully had left a small gift on my desk. Lovinia helpfully unwrapped it for me, and sure enough – it was my very own “Where’s Jesus” stamp. Layfe and Lovinia then stamped the little red reminders all over my desk calendar. For the next two weeks, I will constantly see, “Where’s Jesus” every time I glance at my To-Do lists!

I have already seen Jesus in each of you these past few months. He’s there in your welcome. He’s there in your desire to serve. He’s there in your passion for missions. I didn’t bring Jesus with me when I came to First Presbyterian of Dalton. He was already here, loving first and loving all. With God’s help, I hope to continue to walk the paths He has laid out for us as we look for Jesus beyond our walls – beyond our community. May God be with us all as we turn the page to the next chapter. The pages may seem blank to you, or perhaps you already see the writing appear. Either way, let’s keeping looking for Jesus and be willing to follow wherever he leads!

With love and gratitude,