Nicole’s e-Pistle

September 4, 2024

Greetings, friends!

In Luke 11:13 it says, “If you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?”

Sometimes young children have a hard time coming to their parents when they need something or feel they have done something wrong, especially when that child is a people-pleaser. As a parent, I understand that there is nothing I wouldn’t do for my children. I want them to feel safe to come to me with their worries, without fear of judgement or of losing my love and respect.

Yet, as a child, it was (and still is) hard for me to reach out for help. I feel like I have to figure things out on my own – that I somehow have to prove that I have everything under control. My own Mom recently reminded me how happy it makes her to be able to help me. Since I am now in my 40s, she doesn’t get the opportunity to feel like a Mommy very often. After all, I don’t get scraped knees anymore that need kisses to make them better.

How often do we as children of God feel we cannot go to our Heavenly Father when we’re in over our heads? How often do we try to hide what we know we’re not handling well on our own, desperate to prove to Him that we’ve got everything under control?

Whatever it is you may be carrying, talk to God about it. God’s greatest joy is in being asked to enter into your life right where you are. Let Him squeal with joy over your triumphs and kiss your booboos until they’re better. Don’t deny God the chance to pick you up once more and feel your arms around His neck.

With Love In Christ,