Nicole’s e-Pistle
July 24, 2024
Greetings, everyone!
I am pleased to report that my eye is nearly back to normal! I am so grateful for those of you who reached out to me this past week. It was a silly thing to have to deal with, but I was grateful not to have to explain my appearance repeatedly!
Many of you are aware that I have been without Bjorn and the kids lately. They are enjoying some extra time with the grandparents before school begins. I have been using the afternoons and evenings to work on getting further ahead in worship planning, as well as finding time to call and visit with many of you. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you would like to schedule some time to meet with me, or you can pop in during my office hours, which are posted in the Mid-Week News.
It is a busy time for me, but I am finding hidden joys here and there. I was driving along Walnut Avenue one evening, headed to treat myself to a dinner at Red Lobster, when the sun created the most beautiful sky as it peeked through the rain clouds! The whole world turned shades of orange and pink – my favorite kind of sunset! I had thought that moving away from Florida would remove that experience from my life… (as hot and humid as Florida is, it has unforgettable sunsets!).
I also had a chance to sing one of my favorite lullabies to Layfe and Lovinia one night this week (“Stay Awake” from Mary Poppins). It’s usually tricky to get that to work over the phone with noises in the background and kids not wanting to settle. This time, though, there was nothing but silence on the other end and the sound of my voice on my end. When I finished, there was a pause, and I almost thought they had gone to sleep, when Layfe said, “I think that’s the best bedtime song ever. I love you, Mom.”
God has a way of reaching into the busyness and crowded spaces of our lives and shining His light and love all over us. I am so blessed to be part of this community, and I pray that you find yourself equally surrounded by light and love this week!
God be with you,