Nicole’s e-Pistle

July 17, 2024

Hello, friends!

I hope this message finds you all in good health and with joyful hearts.

In contrast, I have found myself somewhat distracted this week from the things that usually bring me joy. Sunday evening, my right eyelid began to grow sore. By Tuesday morning, it was nearly swollen half-shut. I am not new to this phenomenon, though I am not entirely sure what causes it, for I have experienced this every few years for the past decade or so. While I know that warm compresses and patience will ease the discomfort and eventually return my eye to normal, I confess that I am impatient with the process and vain about my appearance.

I find the more I focus on the discomfort, the more uncomfortable it becomes. However, this morning, I am taking time to shift my mindset. I am choosing to let go of my vanity and desire for constant and immediate comfort to thank God for my discomfort. I have done this before when I’ve had the common cold or flu as well. I would thank God for not being able to breathe freely through my nose, for example, because it makes me more aware of what it feels like to breathe normally. In this case, being forced to feel a puffy, sore eyelid allows me to differentiate how my eyes feel on a normal day.

How often do we take the comforts and pleasures of life for granted? How often do we stop and enjoy something as simple and rhythmic as taking a breath? How often do we truly notice the beauty that surrounds us?

As you go through the rest of your week, take a moment to stay in your car a little longer when a favorite song comes on the radio. Sit by your favorite window and watch the birds and squirrels gather acorns and seeds. Run your fingers over something soft and pleasant and take time to notice the textures you encounter. Be more intentional as you sip your favorite drink, savoring every moment. And if you’re in a season where it is more difficult than usual to breathe, to sit, to hear, to feel, or to taste, be intentional in thanking God for the blessings of our senses and for becoming more aware of each moment we are given.

May you find joy today and always,