Nicole’s e-Pistle
July 10, 2024
Good day to you all!
I would like to take a few moments to clarify what I think will be my weekly rhythm. As I have been getting settled into my new office (both literally and figuratively), several of you very cautiously “popped in” to say hello, and I often sensed some hesitation, as though you might have felt like an unwelcome interruption. Please let me assure you that my doors are open to all of you during church office hours. My plan is to be readily available on Mondays through Wednesdays from 9am to 1pm. I will, of course, be working, but my top priority during those hours is to greet folks that happen to stop by for a chat, so please do not hesitate!
I will also be available for scheduled appointments during those hours, but I fully understand that many of you have work schedules that are not conducive to stopping by from 9-1. I invite you to reach out and schedule time with me that works for us both, and I would be happy to sit with you!
I will be in the office most days after hours to work on worship planning, preparation for upcoming meetings, and other tasks. However, I will also use that time to visit folks who are not able to physically come to the church, as well as folks that may be at the hospital. I will also have team meetings periodically during evening hours, depending on what works for each group, so my overall schedule will be flexible.
Thursdays will be my day to finish working on my sermon and any other elements for worship that week, as well as to plan for future weeks’ themes and scripture passages. Some pastors choose to work from home on these days, but with two little ones, that is not an option for me. I also get distracted in public, because I am such a people person. Therefore, I will likely remain in the office during this time with a “Caution, Sermon Under Construction” sign on the door.
Finally, I plan to reserve Fridays and Saturdays for my family. I will be available via phone or text if there are emergencies, but I will likely wait until Sunday or Monday to respond to emails. For example, if it is your turn to be liturgist and you panic on Saturday evening, feel free to send me a quick text message about your concern. I’ll respond, though perhaps less quickly, depending on what my family is doing. (We may be at a movie or driving home from some adventure, for example.)
Very long story short, you are always welcome, and I am here for you. You are not an interruption. You are the reason I do what I do!
With love in Christ,