Nicole’s e-Pistle – July 31, 2024

Nicole's e-Pistle July 31, 2024 Good day, Friends! I have had the good fortune to speak with several “non-Presbyterians” lately about what it means to be Presbyterian. One of the tongue-in-cheek names for us, of course, is the “Frozen Chosen.” This combines two stereotypes about Presbyterians that are about as accurate as any stereotype: [...]

Nicole’s e-Pistle – July 31, 20242024-07-31T09:22:15-05:00

Nicole’s e-Pistle – July 17, 2024

Nicole's e-Pistle July 17, 2024 Hello, friends! I hope this message finds you all in good health and with joyful hearts. In contrast, I have found myself somewhat distracted this week from the things that usually bring me joy. Sunday evening, my right eyelid began to grow sore. By Tuesday morning, it was nearly [...]

Nicole’s e-Pistle – July 17, 20242024-07-16T10:17:44-05:00

Nicole’s e-Pistle – July 10, 2024

Nicole's e-Pistle July 10, 2024 Good day to you all! I would like to take a few moments to clarify what I think will be my weekly rhythm. As I have been getting settled into my new office (both literally and figuratively), several of you very cautiously “popped in” to say hello, and I [...]

Nicole’s e-Pistle – July 10, 20242024-07-10T08:09:42-05:00
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