Nicole’s e-Pistle – July 3, 2024

Nicole's e-Pistle July 3, 2024 Well, friends, we’ve made it! After weeks of preparation and months of anticipation, the Jiskoots have arrived, and we could not be more thrilled! I cannot begin to describe the welcome we have felt, even before our arrival this past weekend. So many of you have reached out to [...]

Nicole’s e-Pistle – July 3, 20242024-06-26T10:44:40-05:00

Best. Ken. Ever.

When Elder and Staff Team Chair Sarah McCown approached the pulpit to make an announcement last Sunday, she wore the blue choir robe that identifies the marvelous FPC Dalton Choir that our interim pastor—The Rev. Dr. Ken McKenzie—so admires and never fails to compliment in unique ways each week. Pastor Ken’s last official Sunday [...]

Best. Ken. Ever.2024-06-25T11:44:07-05:00

Ken’s e-Pistle – June 26, 2024

Ken's e-Pistle June 26, 2024 I cannot adequately express my deep appreciation for the joy of last Sunday.  You showered me with love, gifts and conversations which will stay with me until my dying day.  The Choir, as always, was spectacular.  Fredak’s Christus Paradox never sounded so good, coming as it did from beloved [...]

Ken’s e-Pistle – June 26, 20242024-06-25T08:30:14-05:00

Ken’s e-Pistle – June 19, 2024

Ken's e-Pistle June 19, 2024 We Interim Rev-types tend to travel lightly.  You will seldom see an Interim Pastor fill all of the book shelves in the Pastor’s Study with weighty tomes of arcane theology.  Similarly, we don’t show off our Greek and Hebrew texts nor the assorted concordances which accompany them.  Most of [...]

Ken’s e-Pistle – June 19, 20242024-06-18T08:39:26-05:00

Ken’s e-Pistle – June 12, 2024

Ken's e-Pistle June 12, 2024 The Council of the Wise is back in session.  For those of you unfamiliar with this august assembly, it is comprised of a group of gentlemen indeterminate in age, education and pedigree who gather at the Conoco store on the intersection of 515 and Windy Ridge Road in Blue [...]

Ken’s e-Pistle – June 12, 20242024-06-11T08:19:48-05:00
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