Ken’s e-Pistle
March 20, 2024
This Sunday is Palm Sunday, the exciting end of the Lenten season and the beginning of Holy Week. Few times in the liturgical year reflect our humanity as much as these few days. Here, we will give voice to our hopes and dreams as Messiah makes the triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Later in the week we will observe the solemnity of the Last Supper where we will learn once again that our expectations and God’s will sometimes take strangely dissimilar paths. Good Friday will find us gathering at noon to remember the actual death and burial of our Lord. The paraments will be removed and the Bible will be closed and gently laid face-down on the Communion Table as a symbol of the closed tomb and the terrible silence of God’s voice.
Of course, on the following Sunday we will observe the glorious victory of Easter Sunday, but…
We aren’t there yet.
We will also pause for a few minutes after worship to enter into a most important moment in the life of our congregation: the election of the next Pastor! A new chapter is about to open in the history of First Presbyterian. You will learn the name, see the face, and become acquainted with the one who will be your spiritual guide, friend, confidant and teacher in the years to come. It will be a significant, exciting, and joyous moment in the 177th year of our historic congregation. Please come and learn of the one whom we believe God has raised up for the task of the next years’ ministry in this place.
Of course, I will miss you terribly but it is not yet time to say our farewells. This is the time to celebrate and consecrate the new beginning before us!
I bid you peace!