Ken’s e-Pistle
December 20, 2023
Well, it is all coming together. By this time in Advent I have reconciled myself to the fact that some things are not going to happen, some events will go unobserved and some of my best hopes for Advent and Christmas won’t be realized. That is OK. I do this every year. My enthusiasm gets away from me just before Thanksgiving and I set impossible tasks, schedules and expectations for myself and everyone else. In the end I have to choose whether this state of affairs will be a fine form of misery or an opportunity to settle down, enjoy the ride and once again stand in awe of God’s gracious love. A love which is not contingent on my getting everything right and making each day of the season perfect. Inevitably, I choose the latter.
The Cantata was magnificent! The Choir, instrumentalists, and their gracious conductor transported us on the wings of music through every range of human emotion and wonder at the very verge of the Nativity. Even our computer-based lighting seemed to enjoy the event and got into the act with an unplanned, if somewhat disjointed, light show. A reminder that we can’t control everything! At the end, the lights cooperated, the candles were lit, Silent Night was sung and a dynamic postlude sent us into the night with unspeakable joy.
As we come into the last week of Advent and prepare for Christmas, my prayer for each of us is that we will find the time to truly worship and enjoy the time we are given. May we once again share the love and wonder of the season, behold the lights and decorations, and allow ourselves to be caught up joy of Emmanuel, God with us.
I bid you peace!