Cornucopia Symbolizes “Plenty”
A Mother-Daughter Tradition
In the Martin House entry each Thanksgiving Season, a cornucopia pouring forth a wide range of vegetables and fruits seems to magically appear about the time trees begin shedding their leaves and winds turn cooler.
The “magicians” behind this gorgeous and welcoming 3D piece of art are our own Sue Spivey and Kathy Bridges, a mother-daughter team who quietly fill so many needs in our church and community.
Traditionally, the “cornucopia,” from the Latin “cornu” (horn) and “copia” (abundance), symbolizes nourishment and abundance and overflows with produce, flowers or nuts. This is a potent reminder of our own wealth of

Sue Spivey (L) and Daughter Kathy Bridges provide the beautiful Cornucopia display in The Martin House each year, signifying the plenty we have and the plenty we share. The plenty continues because of our generous members who work and give together and individually to make a difference for all of God’s Children.
nourishment and abundance as well as the greater emotional wealth we attain when we share our abundances with those in need in the community.
The holiday season brings out the generosity of most people, but challenges such as hunger, homelessness, lack of warmth and insufficient education are year-round. First Presbyterian Church works hard to meet these and other on-going needs in our community through our Stewardship. This is often referred to as a “pledge to the church.” In reality, it is a pledge that we, the Church, make to God to love and serve others as Christ taught that we should.
Our outreach is substantial; the results are measurable. Only by continuing to serve together as the Church—and giving is a form of service—can we continue to do for others in meaningful ways.
Stewardship is not about people supporting the Church. It is about ‘the Church supporting people. It is about continuing our deepest commitment as Christians to make a difference for the better in our world.
Sunday, November 19, 2023 is Commitment “Pledge” Sunday. As part of the Church, please come and indicate your willingness to continue to serve God through your Tithes, your Time, and your Talents. Fill out your part of our Church Pledge to make a difference for our fellow Children of God.
Ways to make your pledge:
- Mail in your pledge card to PO Box 489, Dalton, GA 30722
- Click HERE to be redirected to our Giving Page
- Place your pledge card in the offering plate this Sunday