Ken’s e-Pistle
April 12, 2023
This past Sunday was interesting on a few fronts. It was Easter, of course, which was the major focus of the day. Beyond that was the presence of an unexpected visitor who had gone out of his way to decry perceived heresy in established expressions of faith. Presbyterianism was his target of opportunity on Easter. Dr. Jones was kind enough to engage him and, at the same time, make our folk feel safe as they entered the Sanctuary. I deeply appreciate his willingness and compassion.
Some were amused and others mildly offended. No one called the police and the entire event, while inflammatory at times, passed peacefully. We are grateful to God for that. These days we never know when disagreement might turn into disaster as violence results from differences of opinion.
Still, it sets the Christian soul to thinking. We often take our cherished beliefs for granted. I know many people with advanced degrees who are content with a fourth grade religious education. They seldom study or question their personal theology. One thing we must say about our visitor is that he has a deep and profound knowledge of Scripture and Church History. His interpretations may be a half-bubble off plumb, but his facility with his faith is admirable.
I believe that our Christian faith must be examined frequently, fervently, and with a generous side-car of humility. To that end, I encourage you to consider Adult Sunday School if you are over 18 years of age and, if you are a parent, think about the value of Christian education for your children. The post-Easter time is considered to be a time of celebration and growth in the Church. Perhaps the presence of the “Prophet” in our midst can serve as a reminder of this!
I bid you peace!