Ken’s e-Pistle
March 29, 2023
We are fast approaching Holy Week. This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday, just in case your brain is still whirling from the recent observance of Daylight Savings Time. Personally, I would just as soon they leave the time alone. It always changes at 2AM on a Sunday and really messes with my biological clock.
But I digress. The observance of the church year takes off around Thanksgiving with the beginning of the Advent (Christmas) season and runs pretty much non-stop through Lent (Easter) until Easter Sunday (Easter) I clarify this for the sake of those who only recognize Christmas and Easter as religious holidays. No prep involved, thank you very much. Like Joe Friday on the old Dragnet show: “The dates, Ma’am, just give me the dates.”
For us here at FPC, we will observe Holy Week with the joyful, triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. We will wave palms and sing the traditional hymns which adorn this occasion. Then comes Maundy Thursday and the institution of the Lord’s Supper. Some denominations include the washing of feet at this service but we Presbyterians are a bit squeamish about taking things that far.
Good Friday follows. There will be a brief, reflective service at noon. Notably, we will strip the pulpit and Communion Table of all antependia. The Holy Bible will be closed and placed face down upon the Communion Table, symbolic of the sealing of the tomb and the silence of God’s Word for the duration of Jesus’ entombment. It is a quiet yet raw service, pulling no punches.
And then, of course, comes Easter Sunday. If you are content to enjoy the procession of Palm Sunday and then go without hesitation to the glory of Easter, there is probably nothing I can say to you that will change your mind. It’s just kind of like going from one dessert to the next. It’s fun and tastes good, but very little will be offered to nourish your soul.
I bid you peace!