Midweek Meditation – May 11, 2022

“I Believe” The Apostles’ Creed was not the only creed to come into existence in the period of the early church, However, it is one of the oldest and simplest creeds of the church stemming from the statement, “Jesus is Lord”.  All Christian traditions recognize its authority and its importance as a standard of [...]

Midweek Meditation – May 11, 20222022-05-11T10:54:38-05:00

Camp AIM 2022

Camp AIM 2022 will be the first 2 full weeks in June, so the dates this year are: Week 1:           June 6-10 Week 2:           June 13-17 For more information contact Roger Rollins at: My email:  [email protected] My cell:  706-260-5999 Sincere thanks to all of you who have been blessed through your participation with these children [...]

Camp AIM 20222022-05-10T10:26:35-05:00
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