Join us at 9:30 a.m. on the 19th for an Advent reunion in Hollis Hall
Our time of “Picturing Advent” will begin with Henry Tanner’s striking depiction of “The Annunciation” as Mary receives the news of her expectancy. This stunning painting raises questions both of Mary’s reaction and of how Tanner’s own background may have influenced his approached to rendering the scene.
We’ll share together as we “picture” the anticipation of the Jewish people waiting for the promised Messiah, of the disciples waiting for Christ’s return, of the waiting of Bonhoeffer in an uncertain future (Our Advent devotional book) and more.
And for all of us, there is the waiting in our own uncertain times. Use the following prayer each day leading up to our gathering and note how God’s Spirit is speaking to you in the circumstances of your own life. How do you “picture” Advent this year? How do our bonds as a church impact our individual perspectives on life in God’s unfolding Kingdom?
Sally Burran, Walter Jones and Rev. Will Scott will lead our 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. reunion of kindred souls as we find reassurance both in the stories of the faith and in the welcomed presence of the faithful who “Love first, love all.” Please join us for time together.
Prayer by Dr. Christine Roy Yoder
J. McDowell Richards Professor of Biblical Interpretation
Columbia Theological Seminary
We’ve been waiting for a long time, O God.
Waiting for vaccines to be available for everyone everywhere.
Waiting to gather without counting and distancing and masking.
Waiting to have to worry less about so many things.
Waiting for good news—any good news.
Some wait this day for a phone call, a diagnosis, a cure.
Some wait for a job. A meal. A home. A loved one.
Some wait for the words to come. The seed to sprout.
The fighting to end. The pain to ease.
Some wait for courage. Some wait for justice. Some wait for safety.
Some wait when they should not wait.
Bless our waiting, O God,
waiting that in these days is so heavy and weary and spent, and
Open in us the waiting of this holy season: our waiting for you.
Waiting with roots in your sure promises of old, your words that never pass away…
the days are surely coming…
Waiting that stays awake and wonders and listens and learns.
Waiting that hopes, loves, prepares, and hangs on as the world shakes and terrors roar.
Waiting that stands up, helps up, lifts up, and looks up
for your light—
the true light coming into the world.
Bless our Advent waiting, O God.