Dear Friends in Christ,
For almost a year now we have been waiting for things to feel “normal.” When can we do things together again? When are we going to return to worship? When will this all end?
I shared with you some months ago that our session would begin to reconsider opening our church when cases of COVID-19 had decreased in our community for two consecutive weeks. Following a high spike in cases in January, we have now met that criterion. Our session has begun planning for a phased reopening of the church building, including plans for in-person worship.
Right now we are still considering the details of what that plan will look like. And to do that, we need your help. This week we are offering an online congregational survey that will gauge different issues in the church: how comfortable do people feel returning? What further steps do we need to take to make people feel comfortable returning to church? How many people can we expect to come on a Sunday morning? Answers to these questions will help determine how we can open safely, and how we can develop a clear, accessible, and inclusive system for signing up for worship so that we can maintain a safe worship environment.
Please respond to the survey by Monday, March 1. Results will be shared with the session, who will then communicate a plan for reopening, including timeline.
Thank you for all the ways you have remained a caring, giving, and patient church in the past year. I hope you will continue to pray for our leadership as we discern how God is calling us to respond in this wilderness season.
Take the survey HERE.