We won’t get to enjoy Advent in the sanctuary this year. We’ll be worshiping on living room couches and at kitchen tables. But even when we’re apart, we recognize our togetherness—with one another, with God—through our worship.
This year, we encourage you to join in worship by lighting Advent candles and sharing in a weekly liturgy, either with others or alone. You can say the liturgy every day with your family, substituting scripture readings for the appropriate day. Or you can light a candle on Sunday to mark a new week.
Join us as we prepare to receive the Christ child—God’s love incarnate for you.
The Lord shall come when morning dawns,
and earth’s dark night is past.
As the sentry waits for the daybreak,
so my soul hopes for the Lord.
Holy God,
the mystery of your eternal Word took flesh among us
when Mary, without reserve, entrusted her life to you.
Strengthen us by the example of her humility,
that we may be ready to do your will
and welcome Christ:
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen.
Light one pink and two purple candles. While lighting the third purple candle, say:
We light this candle as a sign of the coming light of Christ.
As the Lord has promised in days to come:
The Lord will give you a sign.
Look, the young woman is with child.
She shall bear a son,
and name him Emmanuel: “God is with us.”
Beginning Christmas Eve, you may light the Christ candle in the center of the wreath.
see list below
29“Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace,
according to your word;
30 for my eyes have seen your salvation,
31 which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles
and for glory to your people Israel.”
Luke 2:29-32
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
be with your Spirit. Amen.
Galatians 6:18
Bless the Lord.
The Lord’s name be praised.
Week Four Scripture Readings:
Sunday, Dec. 20 Fourth Sunday in Advent
Morning: Pss. 24; 150
Evening: Pss. 25; 110 Isa. 28:9–22 Rev. 20:11—21:8 Luke 1:5–25
Monday, Dec. 21
Morning: Pss. 122; 145
Evening: Pss. 40; 67 Isa. 29:9–24 Rev. 21:9–21 Luke 1:26–38
Tuesday, Dec. 22
Morning: Pss. 33; 146
Evening: Pss. 85; 94 Isa. 31:1–9 Rev. 21:22—22:5 Luke 1:39–48a (48b–56)
Wednesday, Dec. 23
Morning: Pss. 50; 147:1–11
Evening: Pss. 53; 17 Isa. 33:17–22 Rev. 22:6–11, 18–20 Luke 1:57–66
Thursday, Dec. 24 Nativity of the Lord / Christmas Eve
Morning: Pss. 18:1–20; 147:12– 20
Evening: Pss. 132; 114 Isa. 35:1–10 Rev. 22:12–17, 21 Luke 1:67–80
Friday, Dec. 25 Nativity of the Lord / Christmas Day
Morning: Pss. 2; 146
Evening: Pss. 98; 96 Zech. 2:10–13 1 John 4:7–16 John 3:31–36